Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Summer 2007

Yeah!  I finally was able to get back into the blog that I was supposed to be typing into.  An English teacher would tear that sentence apart!  Our summer has been hectic-more about that later and now school has started back.  Nathan is now officially in Kindergarten.  He started August 20th and is loving it.  Mandy has also started preschool and she seems to be doing very well.  Nathan is going to play soccer this season.  He has never played or even seen a soccer game before but he learned to play baseball this spring and I am sure he will do fine.  Mandy is starting dance-ballet and tap- and is very excited to do that.  She took her first lesson last Thursday and enjoyed it once she realized that the teacher was trying to get her to pretend.


Our farm menagerie is interesting.  It is growing for sure – we have a brand new duck that has joined us.  Our first duck – I believe she is a female mallard.  We don’t know where she came from but she seems comfortable around people.  She also seems to want to stay.  The kids have named her Ducky Wucky.  We are now up to 16 grown chickens.  There are two roosters – Fancy, who received his name because he has feathers sticky out of his head and Fred, our Rhode Island Red rooster that looks like every rooster should.  That leaves 14 pullets and they are laying well.  We have 2 white hens, 2 brown hens, 1 gold Brahma and 2 white Brahma, 1 black her (one of the dogs killed the other one) 1 rather unusual one that is black and white, 1 that is mostly brown but has different colored feathers around her neck and that leaves 4 others that I can’t remember.  I received a mixed group when I ordered. Anyway, I get white, tan, brown and dark brown eggs.  They started out very small but are getting bigger. We are averaging 7 a day so we are able to give Shelly about 18 a week. Again, I will try to figure out how to put pictures on here.  We have two dogs that have been with us basically since we moved and 6 cats.  Yes, I said 6 cats!  We started out with 2 male cats that Asia brought here from a litter her cat had and then I noticed a strange grey cat.  She has stayed and we have named her Smokey.  Well, Smokey presented us with 3 kittens and that brings us to 6.  We don’t want any more cats or dogs at present.


We have had a challenge of trying to keep up the acreage that we have.  We bought the riding lawn mower that the previous owner had and it lasted about 2 ½ mowings.  So, we bought another one from Johnny, the lawnmower man.  While Cyndi and Jeremy were here for the summer, Jeremy was able to get it to work well but now it’s my turn.  Whew! 


We have been going to the Magnolia Auction House each Friday night that we can and have brought some neat stuff.  Two weeks ago we found a swing set and we have finally accomplished putting it together.  The kids are loving it.  It is so wonderful to see them enjoying life so much here.  That as much as I can do tonight but at least I am back to writing.  Later.


Hi.  Just checking to see if I can get through.  Me