Birthdays always remind us of how fast time flies by. Mandy was 2, almost 3 when we first saw her in Urumqi and now she is six! Her birthday was Friday and we had a small party with the four of us and then today she had a circus birthday party. She was very excited about her birthday this year and she had a great time.
Mandy as a toddler and Mandy today.
Mandy has developed an interest in the drums. You notice she has an electric drum on the floor and hitting a drum in front of her. Now for her party. Opening her present from Kathie. She loves the art supplies, thank you.
Nathan and Mandy were having fun. She tried to give him a hug and it embarrassed him. A friend named Cole came and made balloon animals and flowers for the party. Here is Mandy and her flower crown.
Becca doing clown make up for Mandy and Abri patiently waiting..
Elizabeth and Mandy at the party.
Abri Miller gave Mandy her second webkin. If you do not know what that is, ask a child.
Mandy and her cake. It turned out very cute with a circus tent and animals marching around the cake. Mandy loved her cake.
Lizzy and Mandy with head gear. Large, large balloon crown. On the first hit the pinata came down but didn't break and so we tried to break it open on the ground. Here Jessi is trying to clobber it.
Sammi tried to bust it.
Becca tried her hand and finally Nathan who was trying to stay away from girls with a base ball bat split it open. Candy for all! We all had a good time and celebrated the birth and a wonderful girl. Once again - Happy Birthday, Mandy!