Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mandy


Our little girl has turned a big 5 years old!  She is really getting big.  We actually celebrated her birthday 3 times so she celebrated plenty.  Her actual birthday on the 12th was right before the Hurricane and so we did presents from Mama, Daddy and Nathan.  The following weekend Shelly and family came over and we had a cake that was ordered and then canceled but the bakery didn't get the canceled part!  We had her birthday party on the 27th and everyone had a great time!  Mandy choose a Luau theme and we decorated the house with flowers and pineapples and played a game in the sand and did the Luau and played musical chairs to Pineapple Princess.present from cyndi Mandy's present from Cyndi. She loves her cooking set!

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Elizabeth won the shell finding game in the sand.2008_0927partiesgraduation00102008_0927partiesgraduation0013

Unwrapping presents is the best!








My cake had Nemo and Dora on it.  Happy 5th birthday, Mandy.

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Doing the hula!  Shake those skirts, girls.  We had a wonderful time and our Mandy is now officially 5 years old!

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