Saturday, April 11, 2009

looking into the future


Yesterday we were at another baseball game of Nathan's.  For Mandy, these get very boring as we are there 2 1/2 hours and there is very little to do.  So, we have taken to bringing the small tv and another toy and she watches the television until the metal bleecher gets hard and then she gets up and plays with one of the toys that she brought from home.  Yesterday she had two bright, shiny streamers from dance class and the tv.  First, she watched the tv and one of the boys brother (about 9, I think) wanderred over, sat down and watched with her.  Finally, they got up and went behind the bleechers (Mandy has a specific area that she can go to, as I want to be able to see her at all times) and she was playing with her streamers and talking to this boy.  One of the boys friends took one of the streamers and Mandy's friend gallantly ran after it, retrieved it and handed it back to Mandy.  He was rewarded with a smile and thank you. They spent quite a bit of time standing there and talking.  Keep in mind, that Mandy is 5. 

It was just a glimpse into  the future for me.

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