Sunday, January 15, 2012


Our theme for this year in Primary is Choose the Right.  It is all about having our agency and learning to make the right choices.

Today, I did sharing time and something interesting happened.  The first part of my presentation was posting one “A” and one “B” on the board and giving the kids a definition of each plan.  We were pretending to go to Disney World.  Plan A was that we were all going but that I choose all the rides they would take, what they would eat and where they would play but I guaranteed that no one would get lost or hurt.  Plan B was that we were all going but the kids could choose what rides they wanted and where they wanted to eat and play but I couldn’t guarantee that someone wouldn’t get lost or hurt.

In both Junior and Senior primary 1/3 of the kids chose plan A and 2/3 chose plan B.  It was  interesting.  By the way, Mandy chose plan A with no choice and Nathan chose B with his own choice.  Kind of made me feel a little like what Heavenly Father might have felt like.

1 comment:

Shelly Turpin said...

very interesting...makes ya think