Thursday, August 14, 2008

Our new dog, Goliath


I tried to get a better picture of Goliath to show how big he is.  Someone dropped him off or he got lost, we are not sure which and he came to live with us.  We tried to get him to go away but he wanted to stay.  We sprayed him with water and the other dogs attacked him repeatedly but he is so big that he turns his back and they can't approach him.  We didn't take him to a  shelter because I confess, I like him.  He is playful, loves to play tug of war or fetch, is obedient and a great watch dog.  He also eats as much as a small horse!

Here are a few more angles-2008_0807partiesgraduation0005


2008_0807partiesgraduation0004   He looks like part black lab and I think maybe a mastiff (not sure) but he probably weighs 110+ pounds!  I know I can't come close to lifting him.

One other tidbit - Shelly has been after Nathan to spike his hair since he came to live with us and so he showered the other night and spiked it for a picture.  So, here is one for you, Shelly.


1 comment:

Shelly Turpin said...

WAHOO! Love the look, little bro!