Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Demise of Fancy

When I got the baby chickens, about two years ago they threw in a "fancy" one.  It is kind of like when a donut shop throws in an extra donut if you buy a dozen.  Well Fancy was our extra one.  He turned out to be a rather strange looking rooster.  He matured faster then Fred ,our Rhode Island Red rooster and crowed much earlier.

Unfortunately, he was mean!  When Nathan started telling me that Fancy flapped at him, I thought he was just a little boy but Fancy soon starting pecking and flapping his wings at everyone.  Finally, not Labor Day but the weekend before was his alloted time on this earth and shall we say he fulfilled his destiny.

Glenn was the appointed killer of the chicken and I ended up plucking him and evascerating him.  Which means I got to cut his feet off and cut into him and pull out his insides without cutting any intestines or anything like that which would have been a mess to clean up!  He is now clean and wrapped in paper and then freezer bag waiting for the time when I feel like cooking stew or soup. 

It was interesting and Glenn would like to buy some more chickens for meat rather than laying eggs. There is a difference and the meat chickens mature quicker but plucking and cleaning is not something I want to do very often. 

It is a lot quieter in the chicken coop these days!  No, I didn't take pictures of the killing or the cleaning.

1 comment:

Shelly Turpin said...

Lizzy, not a fan of Fancy, says, "Let's eat him for dinner."

True love!?!