Saturday, January 31, 2009

Musings from a five-year old


Mandy has a talk to give on Sunday and so I was working with her about what to say.  I wanted to make sure she understood what we were talking about.  Her topic is "Adam and Eve, the first family".  So, we discussed the creation of the world and that Adam and Eve were the first man and woman.  They lived in the garden and talked and walked with God and then they left the garden and had a family.

We discussed what families do and that Adam and Eve also prayed and taught their children about God and other things.  She paused for a minute and then asked the eternal question.

Who taught Adam and Eve to be parents?  Of course, I told her that Heavenly Father and Jesus helped them as they learned to live in this mortal life.  I just thought her question was unusual for the average 5 year old.


Caleb T Ricks said...

But she is by far not the average 5 year old. She is very wise to ask a question we all have had.

Shelly Turpin said...

Way to be a thinker Mandy!